If you are a subscriber and would like to deactivate or remove your account from Zoosk, you need to cancel your subscription first. Learn how to cancel your Zoosk subscription.
Currently, you can only deactivate your account yourself from a computer, not from an app or web browser on your mobile phone or tablet. Learn how to deactivate your account if you don’t have access to a computer.
If you are not a subscriber and would like to deactivate or remove your Zoosk account, please follow the directions below.
Deactivating your account from your computer
  • Open your web browser, go to zoosk.com, and log in to your Zoosk account.
  • Click on your Zoosk display name in the top right corner of your screen.
  • Select Account Settings from the drop-down menu. This will take you to your account page.
  • Next to Account Status select Edit.
  • Select Deactivate. This will take you to a confirmation page.
  • Confirm your choice by selecting Deactivate Zoosk Account.
If you deactivate your account, your profile will not be visible to other members, and you will lose your subscription benefits, if any, without a refund according to our Terms of Use Agreement and your list of connections. If you want to return to Zoosk in the future, you can reactivate your account by logging in to your account using your email address and password. (Also note, that you will not be entitled to any subscription or other benefits you had prior to deactivation.)