Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Remove Wunderlist Account

 Image result for Wunderlist
Wunderlist is an online task management service provider company that let its users to share their task and report related to that tasks to each other. The website let its users to create and edit account information, creates or assign task between groups or selected persons, share files between each other, make a checklist related to that task so each user can check the list once that task is done and give remarks related to that tasks. We have received some mails from our website readers that they want to delete their account from Wunderlist Website.

How To Remove Wunderlist Account

Currently there are two methods to delete your account from Wunderlist website and app which is given below:-

Remove Your Account through Website

  1. Go through the following url “”and sign-in to your account.
  2. After you sign-in to your account click on your NAME which given at left side then a drop down menu will be opened.
  3. On that drop down menu click on link ACCOUNT SETTINGS.
  4. Now scroll down to bottom of Account Settings page and click on red button DELETE ACCOUNT.
  5. One you click on delete account button a new section will be appeared on top it. On that section enter your password, type “I am Sure” and then click on button DELETE to permanently remove your account.

Remove Your Account by Sending Mail

  1. Open your email account that is registered with account.
  2. Now compose a email and enter the email address
  4. Now write an email regarding deleting your account


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