Thursday, November 3, 2016

Remove Xfire Account Completely

Image result for XfireXfire was a proprietary freeware instant messaging service for gamers that also served as a game server browser with various other features. It was available for Microsoft Windows.
Xfire was originally developed by Ultimate Arena based in Menlo Park, California. As of January 3, 2014, it had over 24 million registered users

How to Remove Xfire Account Completely
Linking Xfire accounts is a permanent setting to prevent users from linking multiple Xfire accounts and padding their stats. Yes Xfire's definitely on its way out the door as shown with the death of their forums but until it's permanently dead? It'll probably be left on our profiles. We're able to prevent this improper over-importation behavior with various checks--it's not the reason we don't currently allow you to unlink. The real reason we don't allow unlinking is to prevent database load for people deleting accounts with imported hours across hundreds of games. We'll probably get around to adding it eventually, it's just not been much of a priority. I could swear we say that you can't unlink in the link account dialog, so it's not like this is some kind of unpleasant surprise. Then again, we're realizing nobody ever reads UI text, too... ;) Even if Xfire dies (which doesn't seem too likely any time soon), we'll still let you show your old handle on your profile. I can't count the number of times I've met people on new communities based on recognizing handles from elsewhere.


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