Sunday, January 31, 2016

How to remove Deviantart account

Remove deviantart account

 Image result for How to remove Deviantart account
 Accounts cannot be deleted; however, they can be deactivated from this page. Once your account is deactivated the following occurs:

Your profile page is wiped clean.
All of your deviations and journals are pulled from public view and after 30 days they will be scheduled for deletion from the servers.
All of your previous comments will show your username greyed out with a line through it.
You will only be able to login to view previous shop purchase activity.
You will no longer be able to participate in the DeviantArt community.

Deactivated accounts may be reactivated after 48 hours have passed since deactivation up until 30 days after the original deactivation. You can access the reactivation feature by going to your Profile Page.

Please note, once your account passes the 30 day self-reactivation period it cannot be reactivated.

Please also be aware that if you are deactivating to free up your email you will have to wait 30 days before you can reuse that same email address. If you require another account during this time please consider using another email address or changing the email address on file for the account you're deactivating. 

DeviantArt is the social network designed to connect artists online.
Unfortunately user accounts at deviantart can not be deleted but rather they can be deactivated, this means that, once you deactivate your account, it will be deleted forever after 30 days of inactivity.
To deactivate your deviantArt account, login to your account dashboard and then click the deactivation link as explained in the following help page:
Then follow the instructions to confirm your account and you will be deactivated.


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