Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Remove LeetCode Account Completely

 The LeetCode Effect. It's Monday. The dev standup ends. You… | by C. H.  Afzal | Medium
LeetCode is an online learning platform that provides a library of coding problems and solutions that sharpen its user’s coding skills. LeetCode allows its users to create or edit account information, access to the library of solutions and problems, check news articles and posted by users, participate in contest to get a chance to be selected popular companies. 

How To Remove LeetCode Account

Currently, there is only one way to delete your account from LeetCode website which is given below:-

Remove Your Account through Website

  1. Copy and Paste the exact URL in the quote “https://support.leetcode.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014821014-How-can-I-delete-my-account-” and hit enter.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom and click on the link “SUBMIT A REQUEST”.
  3. You will be redirected to the login page now sign-in with the account that you want to delete.
  4. Once you sign-in with your account you will be redirected to a Form Page.
  5. On Subject type “Request To Delete My Account”.
  6. On Ticket Type Choose “Account”.
  7. In Description type your honest reason to Remove your account and click on the SUBMIT button.


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