Thursday, November 4, 2021

How To Remove Qualtrics Account


Qualtrics is a online survey building software that let its users to create simple or logic based surveys for various niche such as marketing research, employees evaluation, customer feedback and much more. The website let its users to create and edit account information, create a survey using various inbuilt button, distribute the survey using various method like email, social media, through app or QR Code and check the status of the form you distributed to the users.

How To Remove Qualtrics Account

Currently there is only one way to remove your account from Qualtrics website which is given below:-

Remove Your Account through Website

  1. Copy the web address “” into your browser and hit enter.
  2. Now you will be redirected to How We Can Help You? page here scroll down and click on EMAIL section.
  3. Now fill out the form details like name, email address and username.
  4. On Subject Line Type “ACCOUNT REMOVAL REQUEST”.
  5. Choose option TECHNICAL QUESTION/ISSUE and click on button >>.
  6. On Next form page just type your reason to delete your account on Description of Issue, choose Yes on option “Do you give us permission to login to your account if necessary?” and click on button >>.
  7. Wait for at least 72 hours for the company to respond to your ticket on your email address.



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