Thursday, December 19, 2019

Remove Paypal Account

Image result for Paypal
Paypal is a leading online payment making website that lets its user to create or edit account on their website,  link your bank account and exchange funds, make payment to ecommerce website, receive payment or transfer it to your bank account. 

How To Remove Paypal Account

You can delete your account or other account from the Paypal website by following the below mentioned steps :-

Remove Your Account Through Website

  1. Go to the following url “” and log-in to your account.
  2. Once you login to your account you will be redirected to settings page.
  3. Scroll down to bottom of the settings page then click on link CLOSE YOUR ACCOUNT.
  4. After you click on link Close Your Account a new box will appear asking your conformation to delete your account click CLOSE ACCOUNT button to permanently delete your account.

Remove Your Account By Sending Email

  1. Go to the following url “” and login with your account.
  2. You will be redirected to Email US page her you need to enter few things first.
  3. On Choose a Topic Select “MY ACCOUNT”.
  4. On Choose a Sub Topic Choose CLOSING A PAYPAL ACCOUNT.
  5. Now a list of option will appear scroll down and click on link CLOSE ACCOUNT a new window will appear.
  6. Here enter your bank account number for security reason and Click on button SUBMIT to delete account.


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