Argos is a British catalogue retailer operating in the United Kingdom and Ireland, and a subsidiary of Sainsbury's. The company trades both through physical stores and online, with over 750 stores and 800 million website visits a year, making it one of the largest high street retailers online in the United Kingdom.
How to Remove Argos account
1 Go to
and you’ll arrive immediately in an email form.
2 Choose as topic: “Anything else > Login and registration” and fill in the contact form:
Phone number
Your question: In this field you need to formulate the removal request. That could be looking like:
Dear customer support of Argos,
I have an account on your website and want to close it. However, I can’t find this option in the Settings of my account.
Can you please close my profile?
My name: (your name)
Email associated with the account:(your email)
Thanks in advance for helping me out.
Kind regards,
(your name)
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