Thursday, May 6, 2021

Remove Points2Shop Account


Points2Shop is an online reward based website and application that gives virtual point to its users upon completing a survey, offers, watching videos or shopping. The website lets its users to create or edit account information, upload your picture, browse through the list of offers, games or videos, earn virtual currency upon completing an offer and cash the virtual currency with any gift of your choice offered by the website. 

How To Remove Points2Shop Account

Currently, there is only one way to delete your account from the Points2Shop website which is given below:-

Remove Your Account through Sending Support Ticket

  1. Go through the following URL “” and sign-in to your account.
  2. Once you sign-in to your account type the required information in the respective text field.
  3. In Category Section choose option “Account Cancellation”.
  4. In Description box type your honest reason regarding deleting your account and once the form is filled click on submit button.


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