Thursday, March 14, 2019

Remove Instamessage Account

 Image result for Instamessage
Instamessage is an social media app that lets its users to chat privately which they meet or see on Instagram. The website lets its users to create and edit account information, upload pictures, send and receive message, send files or video and search users who lives nearby.

How To Remove Instamessage Account

Currently there are two ways to delete your Instamessage account which are given below:-

Remove Your Account through Website

  1. Go to the following url “”.
  2. Once you go through the page you will redirected to deactivate account page.
  3. Here select one reason for every question which ever you like.
  4. On Message box type your honest reason for deleting your account and then click on button SUBMIT AND DEACTIVATE MY ACCOUNT.
  5. Once you click on the button you will redirected to login page enter your login credentials and to deactivate your account.
  6. Now uninstall the app to permanently deactivate your account.

Remove Your Account By Sending Email

  1. Open your email account that is registered with happier.
  2. Now compose a email and enter the email address 
  3. On Subject Type “Requesting To Delete My Account With You”.
  4. Now write an email regarding deleting your account


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