Do you want to create a new BN account? Then you came to the right place because we’re about to show you step by step what you need to do to join them.
How to create a BN (Barnes & Noble) account
1 Go to
2 Go to My account > Create an account (it’s right under the logo)
3 Fill in the fields of the signup page
Start by filling in your first and last name
Enter your email address (twice – it’s to avoid spelling mistakes)
Choose a password (Passwords should contain at least one uppercase letter and at least one numeric character.)
Choose a security question and enter the answer
Choose ‘Create account’ when you’re ready
Congratulations – Welcome to Barnes & Noble
We have now created our own Barnes & Noble Nook account and profile.
With this account, you can track the status of your orders, keep a wishlist and configure Your Nook.
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