If you want to remove your account on Hornyaffairs, one of the most popular dating sites in the world, you can easily do that in the in the Help section of your account.
How to Remove Hornyaffairs account
1 Go to www.hornyaffairs.com
and log in by entering your username and password.
2 Scroll down to the footer of the page
and select the Help link.
3 Scroll down to the bottom of the FAQ page
where you will see a question ‘How can I delete my account?’.
4 Last step: Fill in a reason for removal
You’ll see a message: “You can delete your account using the form below. Warning: you will lose any remaining paid membership on your account”
click on Delete my account. (you’ll need to click 2 times)
A confirming message will appear that your account has been successfully deleted.
You’ve now closed your profile.
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