Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Remove MuseScore Account


MuseScore is an open source software for music notation and compositor that let it’s users to create music score. The website provides an option to create or edit account information, download the software on your computer, create a music score from template or scratch, add, edit or delete the music notation in your score and save the file in a different format or print the score you have made.

How To Remove MuseScore Account

Currently, there is only one way to delete your account from Musescore Website which is given below:-

  1. Go To “https://musescore.org/” website and log-in to your account.
  2. Once you log-in to your account click on your USERNAME which is given at the top right side of the page.
  3. In Username Drop-Down Menu list click on the link SETTINGS.
  4. In the Left Column of the settings page click on the link “CANCEL ACCOUNT” given at the bottom side of the section.


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