Friday, January 4, 2019

Remove Hipchat Account Completely

Image result for Hipchat
Hipchat is an social media website that lets its users to communicate with each other via text, video and screen share. The website lets its users to create and edit account information, upload pictures, add friend and family members in website who have account on the website, make a group of custom friend or family, send or receive messages, video chat and sharing screen.

How To Remove Hipchat Account

Currently there is only one way to delete your Hipchat Account which is given below:-

Remove Your Account through Website

  1. Go through the url “” and log-in to your account.
  2. After you log-in to your account you will redirected to DEACTIVATE ACCOUNT page.
  3. On Deactivate Account Page enter your Password and Reason for Closing Account and click on Button DEACTIVATE ACCOUNT.
  4. Once you click on Deactivate Account a message has been pop-up regarding the confirmation to delete your account click on OK to delete your account.

Remove Your Account By Sending Mail

  1. Open your registered email account and compose a new mail.
  2. Enter the following email address account to your
  3. On Subject enter the line “REQUEST TO DELETE MY ACCOUNT”.

Remove Houzz Account

Image result for Houzz
Houzz is an interior decorating e-commerce and knowledge portal that lets its users to purchase interior decorating items and provide knowledge to build or decorate property interior at minimal price. The website lets its users to create and edit account information, upload pictures, purchase item related to interior decoration, find professionals for fixing or building interior architecture and get detailed information and tips related to your interior needs.

How To Remove Houzz Account

Currently there is only one way to delete your Houzz Account which is given below:-

Remove Your Account through Website

  1. Go through the url “” and log-in to your account.
  2. After you log-in to your account click on your houzz which is given at top right side a drop down menu will appear.
  3. On Drop Down Menu Click on EDIT PROFILE link.
  4. You will be redirected account information page now click on ADVANCED SETTINGS link given at left menu link section.
  5. Scroll down to bottom of advanced settings page and click on DEACTIVATE ACCOUNT link.
  6. Once you click on the button you will redirected to login page for security reason enter your login credentials again and sign-in to your account.
  7. Once you sign-in to your account you will forward to Reason Page enter one reason for account deletion and click on DEACTIVATE ACCOUNT Button.

Remove Your Account By Sending Mail

  1. Open your registered email account and compose a new mail.
  2. Enter the following email address account to your
  3. On Subject enter the line “REQUEST TO DELETE MY ACCOUNT”.
  4. Now write a mail to delete your account 

Remove Heywire Account

Image result for Heywire
Heywire is an mobile messaging service that let’s its users to send text messages to anywhere throughout the world. The website lets its users to create and edit account information, upload pictures, send and receive text messages and add friends or family members in contact list. We have received some mails from our website readers that they want to delete their account from Heywire App.

Remove Account By Sending Mail

  1. Open your registered email account and compose a new mail.
  2. Enter the following email address account to your
  3. On Subject enter the line “REQUEST TO DELETE MY ACCOUNT”.
  4. Now write a mail to delete your account sample given here and click send.

Remove Hushmail Account Completly

Image result for Hushmail
Hushmail is an online email service provide that lets its registered users to send and receive emails on their email address. The website lets its users to create and edit account information, upload pictures, send and receive email and add or edit files.

How To Remove Hushmail Account

As per source currently there is only one way to delete your account from Hushmail Database which is given below :-

Remove Your Account through Website

  1. Go to the following url “” and log-in to your account.
  2. After login to your account click on PREFERENCE link given at top right section.
  3. On Preference page locate the section Account Type and click on link CLOSE YOUR ACCOUNT.
  4. Once you click on link you will redirect to close account page here type your reason to delete your account, enter password and click on red button close@email-id forever.
  5. Once you account is removed uninstall the app from your device.

Remove Your Account via Twitter

  1. Open your twitter account.
  2. Compose a new tweet and write i want to delete my account with this ID and send the tweet to @hushmail.

Remove HighTail Account Permanently

 Image result for HighTail
HighTail is an online cloud storage service that let’s its users to upload or download files from their server. The website lets its users to create and edit account information, upload files to their server, send the uploaded to link to anyone so they can download the file from hightail server and synchronize the folder with other users.

How To Remove HighTail Account

As per source currently there are two ways to delete your account from HighTail Database which are given below :-

Remove Your Account through Website

  1. Go to the following url “”
  2. Now enter your email address and on subject type Request To Delete My Account.
  3. On Description tell the customer service team your reason for deleting account and why are you deleting your account and click on SUBMIT button.

Remove Your Account By Sending Email

  1. Open your email account that is registered with hightail.
  2. Now compose a email and enter the email address
  3. On Subject Type “Requesting To Delete My Account With You”.
  4. Now write a email regarding deleting your account

Remove Hootsuite Account Completely

Image result for Hootsuite
Hootsuite is an online social media managing portal that connects its users to almost all leading social media website and shows the pages in one dashboard. The website lets its users to create and edit account information, upload pictures, connect to all social media account, show social media pages in the custom column and send or post anything to social media account using the hootsuite website

How To Remove Hootsuite Account

As per source currently, there is only one way to delete your account from Hootsuite Database which is given below :-

Remove Your Account through Website

  1. Go to the following url “” and login-in to your account
  2. After log-in to your account Click your profile picture in the top-right corner of the dashboard, and then select Account & Settings.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the Profile tab, and then click Account Removal.
    If you do not see “Account Removal”, the account’s balance may exceed $0.
  4. Enter your reason for canceling, and then click Remove Account.

Remove Happier Account Completely

Image result for Happier

Happier is an social media portal that lets its user to share or collect their happier moment on their server. The website lets its users to create and edit account information, upload pictures, give information on how a user can happy, share their thought on the website and see what other people do to make happy. We have received some mails from our website readers that they want to delete their account from Happier website.

How To Remove Happier Account

As per source currently there are two ways to delete your account from Happier Database which are given below :-

Remove Your Account through Website

  1. Go to the following url “” and log-in to your account.
  2. Once you log-in to your account you will redirected to delete account page here click on button DELETE MY HAPPIER ACCOUNT.
  3. Once you click on the button a pop-up message has been appear asking for the confirmation to delete your account click on OK button to permanently erase your account.

Remove Your Account By Sending Email

  1. Open your email account that is registered with happier.
  2. Now compose a email and enter the email address 
  3. On Subject Type “Requesting To Delete My Account With You”.
  4. Now write an email regarding deleting your account

Remove Outlook Account Completely

Image result for Outlook
Outlook is an leading and first mail service that lets its users to send and receive messages. The website lets its users to create and edit account information, upload pictures, compose mail and send it to many users, attach files, saved the mail in drafts and save dates in calendars.

How To Remove Outlook Account

As per source currently there are two ways to delete your account from Outlook Database which are given below :-

Remove Your Account through Website

  1. Go to the following url “” and log-in to your account.
  2. After login to your account you will be redirected to account closure page here tick mark on every option and on text box tell your honest reason why you are deleting your account.
  3. After doing that click on button MARK ACCOUNT AS CLOSURE and message will shown regarding that your account is close and will be permanently removed after 60 days.
  4. Make sure do not login to your account during this period.

Remove Your Account By Virtual Agent

  1. Go to the web address “”.
  2. You will be redirected to contact us page on this page click on button GET STARTED.
  3. Once you click on it a new window will be pop-up and you will connect to virtual agent.
  4. Now type delete account and press enter and it will give you set of instruction regarding withdrawal any paid subscription etc if you there is money or membership you want to withdraw do it now and then on bottom click on YES link.
  5. Now you have option to talk to agent and a link to quit your account if you choose link follow the simple process or if choose agent tell him to close your outlook account.

Remove Hubpages Account

Image result for Hubpages
Hubpages is an online content sharing platform that lets its users to post and read articles. The website lets its users to create and edit account information, upload pictures, create biography, write article related to any topic and post it on the website.

How To Remove Hubpages Account

As per source currently there are two ways to delete your account from Hubpages Database which are given below :-

Remove Your Account through Website

  1. Go to the following url “” and log-in to your account.
  2. Once log-in to your account you will be redirected to Close Account Page.
  3. On close account page scroll down to bottom and tick and on check-box enter password and click on SUBMIT button to permanently delete your account.

Remove Your Account By Sending Mail

  1. Open your email account which is registered with the website.
  2. Now compose a email and enter the email address
  3. On Subject Type “Requesting To Delete My Account With You”.
  4. Now write an email regarding deleting your account

Remove Happify Account Completey

Image result for Happify
Happify is an web portal that lets its users to play peaceful and emotional based games so they can be stress free and stay happier. The website lets its users to create and edit account information, upload pictures, play minded games, give access to dashboard so you can check how happy you are. 

How To Remove Happify Account

As per source currently there are two ways to delete your account from Happify Database which are given below :-

Remove Your Account through Website

  1. Go to the following url “” and log-in to your account.
  2. Once you log-in to your account click on your name which is mentioned in the left menu pain after you click on it a drop down menu will be appeared.
  3. On that drop down menu click on profile link and then click on EDIT PROFILE button.
  4. Scroll down to bottom of edit profile menu and click on DELETE ACCOUNT.
  5. Once you click on the link a pop-up message has been displayed asking for your permission to delete account click on DELETE ACCOUNT button to permanently delete your account.

Remove Your Account By Sending Email

  1. Open your email account that is registered with happier.
  2. Now compose a email and enter the email address
  3. On Subject Type “Requesting To Delete My Account With You”.
  4. Now write an email regarding deleting your account